Sunday, January 30, 2011

Create Something Project : Week One

I've only been home 2 hours from the 8 hour road trip home from a weekend in Lake Tahoe and I've stumbled across something.
Just the "SOMETHING" part of that intrigues me. Because I know that everyone out there looks at the crap I'm making, or workouts (I do or DONT get in) and thinks "I dont have time" or "I cant CREATE ANYTHING!". 
With the PROJECT there are no limits. You could create an IDEA, and it still amounts to something you have ACCOMPLISHED.
So since I found this, Ive been staring at into space thinking "What the heck can I make at this moment to become apart of this project? I'm exhausted and cant possible CREATE a paper airplane right now!". So I read through some of the posts of the ladies that are participating in this project, and all of what they did was so simple, and were just things that they did today.
So I thought "What have I done today?"
So I cruised over to my TUMBLR page and saw this...

Its like a little scrapbook page! All day(weekend) I have been posting pictures of the shinanagans that we have been getting into. It makes me so happy to scroll through the photos. Plus the INSTAGRAM app gives it such a vintage look, that you cant help but to keep looking. 
So though I was only updating the world of my life, I really was CREATING everlasting memories that I am now sharing with you!
What have you created?


Unknown said...

LOVE this! great creation!
peace. love. create.

Proper Paige said...

I loved seeing these pictures on Twitter -- and they look great here, all together! So glad to find you on Twitter and here! Look forward to chatting.

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