Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Survive, Love & Suck It Up

First ride of the new year.
First ride in a LONG time. I'll be honest it wasnt smooth sailing. Our neighborhood isnt flat, so when it came to the hills I was huffing and puffing. The only thing I could dream of is the day when I'm back in shape and I'm cruising around with no problem.
I'll have to say the ride is my favorite part of triathlon.
When people ask me which is my favorite, I say this:
"I survive the swim"-
Cause Ill be honest, there is ALWAYS a point during the swim that I think I'm going to die. Either a shark will come and eat me or there is no possible way I can get another stroke in. So once I exit the water, I say a little prayer that I made it, then I cry all the way to the transition area :)
" I love the bike"-
Straight up, I feel like a bad ass on the bike. Im strong and I know it. There has to be at least one discipline of triathlon that you conquer, and for me it is the bike. NO woman is allowed to pass me up. That is in my head. God "blessed" me with some strong legs, and I definitely put them to good use.
"I suck it up for the run"-
Now I enjoy running, but after a 1.2 mile swim & 56 mile bike ride, running isnt exactly "fun". So you have to suck it up. I always have to push myself. Just do it. Dont be a little wimp and punk out. Cause hell, I got that far, not giving up now.
Phew. Just talking about it has wiped me out.


The Fall Creek Chicken Coop said...

Your post cracks me up.. so true, sometimes it just let me survive the next three minutes because I will be damned if I quit now type of attitude that gets you thru! I just started working out (again) on Sunday after foot surgery and finally cleared. Stupid 20 min on the treadmill about killed me but I lived....20 k is 6/2/12

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